PUBG Mobile Now Becomes One Of the Most Played Game On Mobile as It Hits 50M+     Downloads on Play Store,However, while fun, PUBG Mobile isn’t a game that’s easy in 
 any way. There are a lot of players, and if you’re relatively a beginner at PUBG Mobile,   or battle-royale games in general, we have some great tips and tricks to help you score   that chicken dinner.
 For those new to the game, the first thing you should know is that PUBG is all about   surviving until the bitter end in a 100-person free-for-all or as a team by any means   necessary. Yet whether you’re the kind of player that likes to grab the best weapons   you can find and go all guns blazing, or you opt for a more stealthy approach, there are   some gameplay basics that apply to everyone that enters the battlefield.

Game Settings


Adjust the graphics quality according to your phone’s capabilities. PUBG Mobile does this automatically, but if you feel like your game is lagging or dropping frames, you can lower it further, and vice-versa. A higher graphics quality setting will definitely make it easier to spot other enemies, but if your phone starts lagging or dropping frame, make the trade-off and opt for a higher frame-rate instead.

 2.Peek and Fire

turn on ‘Peek & Fire.’ This allows you to peek from behind cover,         allowing you to take shots without exposing too much of yourself. 
  Keep in mind, you’ll still expose your head, so use it with caution.

3.Use Gyroscope for Aiming Down Sights

PUBG Mobile brings the ability to use your smartphone’s gyroscope to aim. This can be incredibly helpful when aiming down sights, or when you’re scoped in since you’ll be able to move your phone to aim at enemies instead of having to touch and drag on the screen. To enable gyroscope, simply head into Settings and then Basic.

4.Check if Aim Assist is On

 Check that ‘Aim Assist’ is turned on for easier aiming.

 5.Adjust the Size and Position of Controls

Head over to Settings -> Controls -> Customize, and adjust the size and position of controls according to your needs. For example, I’ve made the grenade button a little larger to make it easier to tap, and I’ve shifted the left side fire button to where my left-thumb naturally lands, so I can shoot even faster.

6.Auto adjust Graphics

In Settings -> Graphics, you can also turn on ‘Auto adjust graphics’ to ensure a consistent frame-rate while playing. This basically means that if your phone starts over-heating, or if the battery gets low, PUBG Mobile will automatically adjust the graphics quality to compensate for it.

7. Customize Sensitivity

In Settings -> Basic-> Sensitivity, Customize your Sensitivity so that you can shoot long rage targets easily.The below sensitivity settings are the best you can use.

8.Turn On Left Side Fire Button

In Settings -> Basic, enable the ‘left-side fire’ button to easily shoot with the left hand while aiming with the right. This is very handy in scoped shots. Without the left-side fire button, you’ll find yourself aiming and shooting with the same hand, which, believe me, is really difficult.

Well, those were Best PUBG Mobile Settings that ought to help you on your way to becoming an awesome PUBG Mobile player. Use these Settings in order survive till the very end and get that chicken dinner.

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